niedziela, 27 stycznia 2013

about addictions

Tutaj przeczytasz świetny artykuł o dzisiejszych uzależnieniach. Zwróciłem szczególną uwagę na fragment dotyczące wsparcia ze strony bliskiej osoby. Tego mi brakowało w czasach, gdy sam byłem uzależniony i  nie potrafiłem samodzielnie opanować swojego nałogu. Wspaniale jest mieć kogoś, kto pokazuje nam, że zależy mu na nas i walczy o naszą wolność.

środa, 23 stycznia 2013

frustrated students

Today, I found a great blog and I knew right away I was going to become its avid reader as it contains very useful information about running business in the Polish economic reality.

After my struggles to find well-paid work and becoming dissappointed with university education, I focused more on home education and starting my own business.

The author of the blog wrote a very nice article about failed attempts to get anything done in university administration offices. It looks like studying wastes your time!

piątek, 18 stycznia 2013

education valuable for the market

You can read here how lack of interest and aptitude keeps students out of STEM majors.

Below you will find articles on being successful on the job market in Poland.

Dobra praca dla znawców internetu |

Jak zostać menedżerem IT |

Najbardziej poszukiwane internetowe zawody

Duzy popyt na specjalistow IT

Przyszlosc rynku pracy

Kogo w 2012 roku beda szukac polscy pracodawcy

Polskie place w 2011 roku

Inzynierowie z najwiekszymi szansami na awans

Students lack interest in STEM programs for several reasons.  
They are difficult, require concentration, application and sincere interest.  
Such programs do not leave much time for fun and games which interests many college kids today.
promoting this path in education should be a top priority for all educators. They spend all day with the kids. Some of them do pay attention and if you can make a subject interesting for them they will pursue these career paths in greater numbers and with more enthusiasm.   A Degree in the Arts will put many of today's kids out in the real world, in debt, unemployed, unhappy, and with few if any options. 

power of Wikipedia

With Wikipedia you can choose your own path of education. What do you need school for? (in Polish)

czwartek, 17 stycznia 2013

adjusting to students exhibiting different levels of knowledge

on how to create effective courses for students:

  • Be accessible to students with limited prior background, who may well need extra coaching especially in mathematics and physics. Lecturers will need to be willing to adjust the pace and content of the course as it proceeds, and should plan for this.
  • Be challenging and interesting for students with excellent backgrounds. Enough material should be made available (for example in harder problems) to fully occupy better-prepared students. Additional evening mini-lectures on advanced topics will be encouraged.